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AWS Community Day Kochi 2022 is happening on 29 October at Holiday Inn Cochin, Kochi

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AWS User Group Kochi is organizing its flagship annual event AWS Community Day Kochi 2022 on 29th October 2022. The event will happen at Holiday Inn Cochin, Kochi (Kerala, India).

There are sessions to unveil success stories, use cases & much more from industry leaders, community heroes, and builders. Nearly 35 speakers are already lined up for the tech talks, refer to the event schedule for more details about the sessions.

AWS User Group Kochi (AWSUGKOCHI) is a Kochi-based community united by community-led learning and knowledge-sharing activities.

With other partners and sponsors, techbeatly will join the event as a community partner.

AWS User Group Kochi | [email protected]


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