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DevOps and IT Learning Resources

Discover handpicked learning materials, courses, and resources to enhance your journey in DevOps and IT skills.

With the ever-evolving internet and communities, finding resources a decade ago for future organization needs was no walk in the park. Limited online options were either pricey or required in-person visits to learning institutes. Times have changed! Now, there’s a multitude of online courses and resources accessible to all. All it takes is some free time, hands-on practice, and a mindset ready to level up!

Wishing you a joyful learning experience! 🚀

Gineesh Madapparambath

Please note: This page and the linked articles are dynamic documents and will be revised whenever updates and changes occur.


Aspiring DevOps practitioner? While Linux forms a crucial foundation, its tools (often open-source) can seem challenging if you’re new. But fear not! Numerous free, top-notch resources empower you to acquire those essential Linux skills. Dive in and sign up today!

Containers – Podman, Docker, and more

Containers are revolutionizing modern IT, offering a lightweight and portable way to package and deploy applications. But what exactly are they, and how can you leverage their power? The following articles will be your guide to the exciting world of containers, container engines, and the tools to get you started.


Kubernetes is the de-facto platform for organisations to host their applications and the old “Systems Engineer” job has been re-designed with the requirement of Kubernetes skillset; more or less it is mandatory. Kubernetes’ learning curve is quite smooth if you have a basic understanding of Linux containers. Check the following resources.

Why is Kubernetes certification so important ? 5 reasons I noticed

5 Mistakes You Should Avoid During Kubernetes Exam | #kubernetes #CKA #CKAD #CKS | techbeatly


OpenShift is an enterprise Kubernetes platform to build, deploy and manage cloud-native applications. OpenShift offers automated applications build, deployment and life-cycle management using enterprise-standard tools and workflows.

Like Kubernetes, learning OpenShift is easy as hundreds of courses and resources are around. Either you can follow a beginner-level course or a certification track course designed for OpenShift certification.

Also, learn the differences between OpenShift and Kubernetes.

Kubernetes vs OpenShift – 15 Facts You Should Know | techbeatly

CI/CD and GitOps

CI/CD (Continuous integration and Continuous delivery or Continuous deployment) and GitOps are not new terminologies in the IT world. There are several software and tools to accomplish the CI/CD and GitOps practices. Learning and practising such tools is quite difficult if you do not have a proper course or documentation. Fortunately, there are several free resources around and some of them even offer free certifications upon completing the training programs. Check this list of free training and certifications for GitOps and CI/CD technologies.


You have hundreds and thousands of online documentation and wiki pages for learning Ansible, and this is our attempt to cover Ansible in a simple and beginner approach.

Ansible for Beginners – Free Course


Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) software tool created by HashiCorp.

Cloud – AWS

Amazon Web Services aka AWS is one of the top Cloud Service Providers (CSP) in the market and earning AWS skills is mandatory if you are looking for a cloud-based job. This is a collection of AWS learning paths, free courses and other helpful resources.